WR Frontier Water Resources


The Frontier Precision Water Resources portfolio not only offers the technology you need, but our services group gives you the confidence that your new instrumentation is properly installed, configured, and calibrated for accurate results with Instrument Startup and Verification.

We also offer Flow and Discharge Measurement for accurate/flow discharge measurements in most open channels, partially full pipe, or full pipe scenarios.

And we deliver on Installation and System Integration solutions where we design, build, install, and support your remote data acquisition system, along with the software to analyze and display your data.


Water Level and Pressure Sensors Products

SignalFire Ranger

SignalFire Pressure Ranger

Livestock Tank 1

Frontier Precision Remote Livestock Tank Monitoring Solution

WR 1 Water Resorces

Frontier Precision Remote Livestock Tank Monitoring Solution

Remote Telemetry – Cellular and Radio Products

In Situ VuLink Transmitter

In-Situ VuLink Cellular Transmitter

Wireless I O module

SignalFire Wireless I/O Module

A2 Node with Battery and Solar Panel

SignalFire A2 Long Range Node Series

Ranger 900 System 510x319 1

SignalFire Ranger 900

SignalFire Ranger 900 510x319 1

SignalFire Ranger

Open-Channel/Partially Full Pipe Flow Meters Products

Teledyne DuraTracker 1

Teledyne DuraTracker Flowmeter

37 Water Resorces

Kisters Flow Gauge

HydroMace FloPro

HydroMace XCi/FloPro XCi

Signature Series

Teledyne ISCO Flow Meters

Flow Meters for Full-Pressurized Pipe Flow Products


UTM20 Ultrasonic Transit-time Flowmeters

9 Water Resorces

MACE AgriFlo XCi

Flumes 2


Flumes are specially shaped, engineered structures that are used to measure the flow of water in open channels. We provide all of the common types and sizes of flumes in fiberglass, aluminum, and galvanized steel. Flumes can be customized with inlet/outlet adapters, wing-walls, stilling wells, staff gauges and probe wells. For detailed information, drawings, discharge tables and a photos: https://www.openchannelflow.com/flumes

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Weirs are common and simple methods of measuring the flow of water in open channels. At its simplest, a weir is no more than an obstruction placed in a channel over which water flows (unlike flumes where the water flows through the structure). Often this flow is over a specially shaped notch or opening set above the floor of the channel.

Properly sized, built, and maintained, a weir can provide inexpensive and accurate flow measurements.

Openchannelflow offers a variety of weirs, including:  fixed weir plates, portable weir sets, weir boxes, weir channels, and weir manholes.

For drawings, discharge tables and photos: https://www.openchannelflow.com/weirs


Packaged Metering Manholes

Fiberglass Packaged Metering Manholes (PMMs) solve the difficult problem of how to measure piped flows below grade. Starting with our industry leading fiberglass manhole tube, Openchannelflow integrates: a flow device (flumeweir, or mag meter), cover, base, and access ladder.

The result is a single-piece, watertight, and corrosion resistant structure from which operators can accurately (and safely) measure and sample flows. For additional information: https://www.openchannelflow.com/manholes

River/Stream & Canal Discharge Measurement Products


In-SiStork Remote System (SRS) for RiverRay-River Pro

Stork Remote System 1

Stork Remote System (SRS)

HyQuest Solutions Flying

HyQuest Solutions America FFX Flying Fox

HyQuest Solutions Cable Fox 2

HyQuest Solutions America CFX Cable Fox

Q Boat 1800

Teledyne Oceanscience Q-Boat® 1800RP

Z Boat

Teledyne Oceanscience Z-Boat® 1250

hydrolite tm

HydroLite Bluetooth DepthFinder with Direct Connection to Trimble Access

39 Water Resorces

Teledyne Oceanscience Z-Boat® 1800RP

38 Water Resorces

Teledyne Oceanscience Q-Boat® 1250

14 Water Resorces

Teledyne RD Instruments ChannelMaster H-ADCP

13Water Resorces

Teledyne RD Instruments RiverRay ADCP

12 Water Resorces

Teledyne RD Instruments RiverPro ADCP

11 Water Resorces

Teledyne RD Instruments STREAMPRO ADCP

Submersible Drones and Robots Products


Chasing M2 Pro

DT A 150

Pipe Trekker A-150





Automatic Water Samplers, Water Quality & Rainfall Products

HyQuest Solutions TB7

HyQuest Solutions America TB7 Tipping Bucket Rain Gauge

HyQuest Solutions America TB3H LP Heater for Tipping Bucket Rain Gauges

HyQuest Solutions America TB3H-LP Low-Power Heater for Tipping Bucket Rain Gauges

18 A Water Resorces

Teledyne ISCO 6700 Series Portable Samplers

Aqua TROLL 500 Multiparameter Sonde

In-Situ Aqua Troll 500 Multiparameter Sonde

HyQuest Solutions America TB3H Heater for Tipping Bucket Rain Gauges

HyQuest Solutions America TB3H Heater for Tipping Bucket Rain Gauges

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HyQuest Solutions America TB4 Tipping Bucket Rain Gauge

33 Water Resorces

HyQuest Solutions America TB3 Tipping Bucket Rain Gauge

28 Water Resorces

In-Situ Rugged Dissolved Oxygen (RDO) PRO-X Probe

27 Water Resorces

In-Situ Aqua Troll CTD Dataloggers

AquaTroll 400

In-Situ Aqua TROLL 400 Multiparameter Probe

24 Water Resorces

Teledyne ISCO Glacier® Composite Sampler

23 Water Resorces

Teledyne ISCO Blizzrd® Multi-Bottle, Multi-Function Sampler

25 Water Resorces

In-Situ Aqua Troll 600 Multiparameter Sonde

22 Water Resorces 1

Teledyne ISCO 6712FR Refrigerated Sampler

21 Water Resorces

Teledyne ISCO 5800 Refrigerated Sampler

20 Water Resorces

Teledyne ISCO GLS Sampler

Environmental Data Management Software & Water Resources Services

Trimble Telog Unity Software

Trimble Water – Telog Unity

Esri Arc GIS

Esri GIS – A Geospatial Approach for Managing Water Resources

Categories FPI Logo Water

Data Acquisition Services


Seveno DataSight

WaterR Instrumentation 640480 temp

Professional Services


Our expert staff assist with start-up and training assistance on your new instrumentation. To satisfy regulatory requirements, we also provide third-party verification/calibration on your water flow and water quality instruments.

Gain the confidence that your new instrumentation is properly installed, configured, and calibrated to provide accurate results. Our staff works with you to make sure that your automatic water samplers, flow meters, and water quality instruments perform as specified.

WaterR Flow 640480 temp

Services Include

  • Automatic Sampler Start-Up Assistance
  • Flow Meter Installation
  • Flow Meter Flow Verification/Calibration
  • Water Quality Sensor Calibration Verification
WaterR Dugway 640480 temp

Applications Include

  • Wastewater Treatment Plants
  • Industrial Monitoring
  • Municipal Collection Systems
  • Agriculture
  • Environmental
  • Storm-Water