Benefits of using Trimble Business Center along with Civil 3D
December 21, 2017

We often hear from users, that they bring all of their survey data in CSV format directly into Civil 3D. Some ask how they can utilize Trimble Business Center in their workflows, and use it as more than just a transfer tool to get data from the field into Civil 3D. For surveyors, data needs to not only be correct, but be reportable and traceable. A simple CSV imported into a drafting package does not give you the rich metadata that surveyors may require to ensure their data has been properly collected, QA’d and QC’d, and if there is an issue, that it is traceable and fixable. Trimble Business Center has all of the tools you need to make sure that your data is correct and accurate. It also provides many additional tools needed for today’s survey workflows.  Trimble has provided an informative data sheet outlining some of the tools in TBC that can enhance your Civil 3D experience and workflow. If you have any additional questions, please contact us at


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