Frontier Precision has decided to cancel these sessions due to the ongoing concern over potential spread of COVID-19.
Join us for our 1 or 2 Day UAS Training Opportunity!
All sessions will be conducted at Frontier Precision | 12658 Interurban Avenue South | Seattle, WA 98168
DAY 1 | Wednesday, April 8th, 2020
UAS Best Practices and Intro to Pix4D
This session will provide more technical understanding of UAS best practices, photogrammetry principles, common software outputs, hardware considerations, processing times and limitations, manual vs. automatic camera settings, and the future of UAS. This course will also focus on the start to finish workflows using Pix4D software.
04/08 | Course Objectives:
- Pix4Dcapture Mobile Application
- AirMap Application for Flight Planning & LAANC Waiver System
- Pix4D – Nadir Data Processing
- Understanding Coordinate Systems
- Ground Control Points
- Check Points
- Interpreting Quality Reports & Outputs
DAY 2 | Thursday, April 9th, 2020
Advanced UAS Techniques
This course will provide a brief review of Day 1, and cover advanced processing and merging of Pix4D projects, processing multi-spectral data, working in editor mode, and creating index maps.
04/09 | Course Objectives:
- Point Cloud Classification & Editing
- Mosaic Editor
- Contour Lines
- Volume Calculations
- Image Properties Editor
- Video Creation
- Oblique Data Acquisition & Processing
- Large Projects
- Corridor Projects
- Direct Geo-referencing
- GCP Theory & Collection
TIME: Doors Open at 8:00 a.m. | Classes Start at 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. / Each Day
COST: $350 per day or $600 for two days. / Per Student
DURATION: 1 or 2-Days
[Lunch is NOT included.]
Kristofer Kelley, UAS Sales and Support Specialist
206.294.5196 or 800.523.6408