Wednesday-Thursday | July 20-21, 2016
* Course geared towards both beginning and intermediate level users.
- Associate GNSS Fundamentals and how it applies to your application.
- Prepare and check data out of ArcGIS for Field editing.
- Record quality GNSS Positions, update data and use ArcPad for navigation.
- Perform differential correction in the classroom using ArcMap and Trimble Positions Desktop extension.
- Data verification using the ArcMap and Trimble Positions Desktop extension.
- Check Corrected Data Back in using Trimble Positions Desktop.
LOCATION: Frontier Precision-Maple Grove, MN
TIME: Doors Open at 8:00 a.m. | Class Starts at 8:15 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
COST: $550.00 / Per Student
DURATION: 2-Days [Lunch is NOT included.]
For more information Click Here