UAS for Inspections – Technology Webinar
April 15, 2020

Event Details

Thursday | April 16, 2020 | 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM CDT

Are you currently utilizing UAS in your business? Are you wondering how to implement UAS or how to utilize drones more efficiently? Over the next few weeks, the UAS Team at Frontier Precision will be hosting a series of webinars discussing UAS technology in a number of different verticals – from aircraft to sensors, control methods to processing – we are going to take you on a journey through all things UAS.

Please join us this Thursday 4/16/2020 at 2:00 pm CDT as we show you how UAS can revolutionize the way you inspect.

UAS for Inspections will cover which types of aircraft and sensors are a best fit for the job, including LiDAR, Thermal, Gas, and RGB. We will take you through several use cases of how UAS is changing the landscape of inspection. We will discuss collection methods, equipment/software used, and how to use the data. Whether you’re an experienced UAS pilot or new to the scene, this webinar will be packed with information for you and your company to benefit from!

This FREE webinar will be 60 minutes in length. We are sure you will find it informative!

To Register, Click Here

Thursday, April 16, 2020 at 12:00p PT, 1:00p MT, 2:00p CT and 3:00p ET



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