Using the SX10 to Capture As-Built Data – Webinar
May 8, 2017

Event Details

Thursday | June 8, 2017 11:30 AM – 12:00 PM CDT

bea324f4532802738e89b1b89d8067ca5-10%. That’s the typical amount of a project that is wasted on rework. How do we better verify field installations and begin to address issues before they greatly impact the project cost? The Trimble SX10 allows contractors to collect high accuracy laser scans with the same instrument they perform their robotic layout with, eliminating the extra expense of separate equipment. We will show how to collect as-built data and provide a variety of deliverables using Trimble software.

This FREE webinar will be 30 minutes in length. We are sure you will find it informative.

To Register, Click Here


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