Using Esri® ArcGIS® for Local Government and the Local Government Information Model (LGIM), governments can maximize their operations through innovative use of GIS with the latest tools and resources. With an emphasis on commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) solutions, local governments can now deploy select applications from a wide set of web maps, web apps, data models, and other ArcGIS tools focused upon empowering local governments to meet their operational duties.
In this series of blog posts, we will cover different focus areas making up ArcGIS for Local Government. This is part three of five, focusing on Fire Service, Emergency Management, and Law Enforcement. Click here to view part one on Water Utilities. Or here for part two on Public Works.
Fire Service, Emergency Management, & Law Enforcement
This segment combines three like focus areas together; Fire Service, Emergency management, and Law Enforcement. These focus areas all include specific, preconfigured maps, apps, and tools to leverage geographic information to plan, collaborate and allocate resources effectively to protect human life and property in your community.
With three focus areas in one, there are way too many vital maps, apps, and tools to mention or cover in one post. Follow the link of each heading to view a complete list of what compiles each focus area.
Fire Service
Allows you to leverage geographic information to analyze risk; develop pre-incident plans; and improve response activities that protect human life, property, and natural resources in your community.
Fire Hydrant Inspection
The Fire Hydrant Inspection map is a configuration of ArcGIS Online and the Collector for ArcGIS application for fire fighters that support the inspection and maintenance of fire hydrants. It helps ensure that every fire hydrant in a district performs properly and reliably when an emergency occurs. It also enables fire fighters to maintain and improve their knowledge of first due areas so they can easily locate hydrants and access or open them when needed.
Emergency Management
Helps you to develop and share response plans, maintain situational awareness during emergency incidents and events, and improve the efficiency and accuracy of recovery efforts.
Collect Public Safety Reports
Health and Safety Reports is a configuration of ArcGIS that allows citizens and public safety personnel to file reports important to the health and safety of a community. Emergency Management personnel can monitor, verify and assign those reports to responsible agencies for resolution. If appropriate, health and safety reports can also be incorporated in to an incident management system for further action.
Health and Safety Reports can be used by Emergency Management organizations during severe weather, power outages, and other events to collect information vital to response and recovery efforts. The collection of ArcGIS configurations can also be used on a daily basis, outside an emergency event, to collect health and safety concerns that could impact a community.
Law Enforcement
Gives you the ability to easily understand trends, analyze the dynamics of an incident, collaborate with other agencies, and allocate resources effectively to protect human life and property in your community.
Public Safety Incident Maps
Public Safety Incident Maps can be used by law enforcement agencies to create a series of incident map layers (crimes, arrests, warrants, offenders, and so on) from Computer Aided Dispatch or a Records Management System. The incident layers are the foundation for a collection of public safety maps used by law enforcement agencies. They can be updated on an ad-hoc basis or at regular intervals, and stored in an ArcGIS Online organization or Portal for ArcGIS instance.
Executive Dashboard
The Executive Dashboard is an application used by local government leaders to proactively view critical metrics, identify trends, raise questions, and devise new management strategies. It supports community-wide efforts to increase accountability and transparency within government and with the citizens they serve. The Dashboard is a single application that can be deployed by local governments and used by decision-makers on a tablet device and desktop.
The Executive Dashboard offers a map-based view of key performance indicators (KPIs) that decision-makers and senior management need to effectively run an organization. It aggregates information from multiple sources and serves as a starting point from which the executive can get a sense of the big picture before digging deeper into data. The Dashboard can be used to view performance across an entire community, or in a specific neighborhood you’re interested in. Once a user logs-in to the Executive Dashboard, they are able to search for a specific address, bookmark areas of interest, review key reporting layers, and share notes or concerns with other management staff.
More Information
These are just a few examples of everything making up the Fire Service, Emergency Management, & Law Enforcement focus areas in ArcGIS for Local Government. For a demo and more detailed information on these tools, view this recorded webinar.