ArcGIS Online For Local Government Part 5 of 5: Planning & Development
Using Esri® ArcGIS® for Local Government and the Local Government Information Model (LGIM), governments can maximize their operations through innovative use of GIS with the latest tools and resources. With an emphasis on commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) solutions, local governments can now deploy select applications from a wide set of web maps, web apps, data models, and other ArcGIS tools focused upon empowering local governments to meet their operational duties.
In this series of blog posts, we will cover different focus areas making up ArcGIS for Local Government. This is part five of five, focusing on ArcGIS for Planning and Development. Click to view part one on Water Utilities, part two on Public Works, part three on Fire Service, Emergency Management, & Law Enforcement, or part four on Land Records.
Planning & Development
The Planning & Development focus area helps engage the community in your growth management plans, promote business diversity, attract talented citizens, and encourage quality places and environments.
There are several collections that provide specialized maps, apps, and tools to get started. Here are a few that make up the collection.
Public Comment
The Public Comment Application can be used by citizens and other interested parties to comment on land use cases or capital projects. It is a configuration of ArcGIS Online that helps government agencies harness citizen feedback, overlay it with detailed data, and make better decisions about infrastructure spending and development in the community.
Public Comment can be used to supplement statutory public notice requirements and lets community members express concerns about proposed developments in lieu of attending a council or commission meetings. Planning organizations can deploy the Public Comment application with proposed land use cases and solicit feedback on these cases before being heard by a planning commission or board of zoning appeals. In addition, Public Works organizations can deploy the Public Comment application with proposed projects and solicit feedback on these projects before approving a capital improvement plan.

Site Selector
The Site Selector application can be used by business owners and corporations to locate available buildings and sites, and combine their property search with key community and business demographic information. It is a single application that can be deployed by government agencies and accessed by business owners and corporations on desktops and tablet devices.
The real estate information, demographic analysis, and reports provided in the Site Selector application facilitates better business decisions. It also helps to ensure that business investments made in the community are sustainable and align with their corporate vision.

Flood Plain Inquiry
The Floodplain Inquiry application is a configuration of the ArcGIS Online Information Lookup application that can be used by citizens, land development companies, and real estate professionals to locate parcels impacted by FEMA floodplain boundaries.
This application provides access to authoritative floodplain boundary information (DFIRM panels) provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) so informed decisions can be made during land development and home buying processes.

Code Violations
Code Violation is a configuration of ArcGIS Online and the Collector for ArcGIS application that can be used by code enforcement officers, building officials, and zoning administrators to collect violation and related inspection information.
The code violation map provides local government staff access to violation and inspection information in the field so efficient mobility workflows can be deployed and communication with office staff improved.
More Information
These are just a few examples of everything making up the Planning & Development focus in ArcGIS for Local Government. For a demo and more detailed information on these tools, please join us on Wed, Feb 24, 2016 10:00 AM – 10:30 AM MST for our webinar: ArcGIS Online For Local Government Webinar Series: 5 of 5 Planning & Development. View Recorded Webinar