Missing Bluetooth Incoming Port (COM9)
November 25, 2013

At some point when connecting an external sensor to your Trimble Windows Mobile Device you might run into an issue where you’re unable to create an Incoming Port (COM9) in your Bluetooth Preferences (GeoXH, GeoXT, Juno, Nomad…etc).  If so, it’s because Trimble Windows Mobile devices are configured to be the host for Bluetooth Wireless connections.  Only some Trimble handhelds allow another device to be the host for the Bluetooth partnership.

However, some external sensors (like an RD8000 pipe and cable locator for example)  need to be setup as the host.  If your Trimble device does not allow you to create an Incoming Port (COM9) you can use the following cab file to gain this functionality.

Here is how it should look:

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How to install the CAB File:

1. Download the BluetoothIncomingSerialPort.cab

2. Connect the device to your computer through MS Active Sync or Windows Mobile Device Center.

3.  Copy the Cab file to your Windows Mobile Handheld.

4.. Navigate to where you saved the file on the handheld and tap the BluetoothIncomingSerialPort.cab file

The file will install behind the scenes on the device without any notification or user interface. Incoming Port (COM9) Bluetooth is created for external sensors.

You can now use your Trimble Windows Mobile device as the client for your Bluetooth Partnership.

*This file has been successfully used with Windows Mobile 5,6,6.1 and 6.5.  We make no claims to compatibility all on devices.

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