Flow Calculation App for iOS and Android
April 22, 2014

For people in the field who have to calculate flow for flumes/weirs, open-channels, and partially full pipes, Teledyne ISCO has created a very handy application for your iOS or Android smart-phone or tablet called ISCO FlowCalc.

This app includes conversions for flumes, weirs, and area/velocity. For example, if you are working in the field and need to determine how much water is going over a weir, just tap on Weir, choose the type and size of weir and then use the slider bar to set the depth/stage to the nearest 0.01’ and the app displays your flow. You can also choose Area/Velocity, just select you channel shape (e.g. round pipe, U-shaped, trapezoidal, etc), input the dimensions, water depth and velocity and the app displays the flow in your preferred unit of measure (e.g.CFS, MGD GPM).

The ISCO FlowCalc app is available for free from the Apple or Android app store. Never be stuck in the field again without your flow tables, equations and a calculator.

ISCO FlowCalc2


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