Frontier Precision, Inc. Announces Offering Spike, a Smart Laser Measurement Solution for Smartphone or Tablet.
December 29, 2017

Spike User v1 For WebBismarck, ND (Corporate) – Frontier Precision is excited to announce its new partnership with a global leader modernizing the way measurements are taken and shared with Spike. Frontier is now an authorized reseller in Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Montana, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, and Alaska.

The solution is a comprehensive, easy-to-use smartphone measurement solution. The Spike device, Spike mobile and Web apps, and commercial smartphone/tablet work together to change the way measurements are taken and shared. From a Spike photo, a user can capture measurements, including height, width, area, length, and target location. Measurements and location data are saved with the pictures and can be shared in real-time, and can be imported into GIS software including Esri’s Collector for ArcGIS and Survey123 for ArcGIS.

Find out what the Spike solution can do for you by contacting your local sales representative! Frontier Precision prides itself on its knowledgeable staff of industry professionals that provide you excellent service from field-to-finish. Whether you need support out in the field, or custom development to make an application work for your project, you can trust us to be your go-to resource.

For more information on the product, visit here.

For full statement, visit here.

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