Just Released: Trimble Business Center 5.3!
April 29, 2020

We are excited to announce that Trimble Business Center version 5.3 is now available for download! This new release is packed with several exciting new enhancements, including the new Command Line. We recommend that you upgrade to this latest version if possible to take advantage of these new features, as well as some known issues being resolved.

Below are some of the key new features of this release.

  • Flatten surfaces to remove any outlier vertices or peaks in your surface models.
  • Open the Command Line by pressing F2 to easily do all the drawing functions such as Linestrings, Fillets, Trim/Extend, Move, Rotate and many, many more simply by keying in keyboard commands. This also includes shortcut commands for various COGO functions.
  • MX9 automatic laser scanner calibration.
  • Import LAS/LAZ & e57 files and specify a known coordinate system so TBC can reproject it properly if it is in a different coordinate system than your project.
  • Measure Vertical Clearances command.

There are many more than what we have listed. Click here for more information and to download. This link will take you to the full release notes for more information.