Laser Technology, Inc. Mobile Mapping Webinar
October 23, 2017

Join Laser Technology, Inc. for their upcoming webinar on November 1st.

Learn How Mobile Mapping is Changing with Android Apps, Laser Rangefinders, and GNSS to Create True GIS Synergy

Reflectorless laser technology is the perfect solution for field measurements. From capturing a distance to verifying an azimuth direction or remote location with GPS, LTI’s handheld lasers and mapping accessories let you capture data safely and accurately. With an LTI laser in hand, a single operator can collect a wide range of data on multiple targets from a single spot, which makes it the ideal tool for anyone to collect and report field data.

Wednesday, November 1st, 2017
12:00 PM – 12:30 PM EDT

This webinar will show you how you can leverage available technology without breaking the bank or sacrificing data integrity.  Learn how to leverage the data collection equipment you already own and how to collect higher-grade positioning accuracy in less time.

Reserve your spot

Frontier Precision, Inc. can help you choose the right solution for your needs.  If you have questions regarding the Laser Technology solutions you see here, contact one of our offices today.

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