New Windows ULV – Helping You Meet Your Challenges
February 1, 2017

Tracking Adulticiding spray activities has always been a challenge, or maybe a collection of challenges.

  • Accountability – State and Federal agencies want accurate reports of chemical usage, and the public wants reassurance that adult spraying is being done responsibly. Is running reports for a spray event, a month, or a season easy?  Can you easily print a map of the spray event?
  • Defensibility – An uninformed or hostile member of the public may accuse you of spraying where you shouldn’t have, of killing or harming something or someone, or of missing their house. Can you defend yourself from accusations or even lawsuits?  Can you defuse a situation by easily finding the answers to people’s questions?
  • Managing No Spray areas – If you have paper map books printed for drivers, are they up to date? Do drivers always get it right?  How long does it take for a new no spray to be available for the drivers?
  • GIS Skills – If you have GIS, how easy is it for field supervisors to use? Is there a big learning curve?
  • Field Tracking – Is it easy for the driver to see where they’ve sprayed and what they’ve missed?
  • Mixed Fleets – It’s common to have a mix of sprayer brands, some of which output data for software to track and some of which do not. Does your software work with all of these scenarios?

Our new Windows ULV directly meets these challenges.  Built using our tried and testing data collection engine that’s used by more than 600 field users of Sentinel Adulticiding and FieldSeeker Mobile ULV, Windows ULV makes it easy to configure, collect, manage, and report.

  • Reporting – It’s easy to run reports for a spray event, a month, or a whole season.
  • ULV Spray Session Report
  • Defensibility – It’s easy to find out exactly when you drove by someone’s house, whether the sprayer was on or off, even how fast they were driving. Simply type in an address, browse through and filter spray events, and click on the map to see details.

New ULV Search Address

New ULV Office Main Screen

  • Managing No Sprays – Easily add, update, or remove restricted areas in the office. Mobile software retrieves updates as soon as data is synced.  Drivers receive a visible and audible warning in the field whenever they are near a restricted area (the distance is configurable).  Warnings can be configured for each area, so that drivers receive relevant information such as gate codes, special instructions, or preferred times in addition to no sprays.

New ULV Restricted AreasNew ULV Main Screen

  • GIS Learning Curve – If you’re already familiar with Esri ArcMap, you can use it and the Adulticiding tools built for it. But if you’re not, or you don’t have Esri software, you can easily learn the Office software, which requires no GIS skills to navigate.  Easily turn layers on and off, move around the map, add, modify, or delete no sprays and map areas.

New ULV Office Main Screen

  • Field users can easily see where they’ve sprayed and whether they’ve missed anything. The map automatically rotates with their direction of travel.

New ULV Tablet Buffer 1024x945 1New ULV Tablet Buffer 2

  • Easily collect data from Clarke SmartFlow, Curtis Dyna-Fog, London Fogger, and Target/B&G Phoenix. Sketch treatment lines or polygons for backpack, ATV, and truck sprayers that don’t output data for software to collect.  Use one software for all your Adulticiding data collection!

New ULV Create Spray Session

How to Get the New Software

Contact us today for information and pricing.  Upgrade pricing is available for existing Sentinel GIS, FieldSeeker, and DataMaster users.  Linda Glover,