Remote Water Quality & Level Monitoring Made Easy
The new VuLink cellular/satellite transmitter from In-Situ makes remote monitoring easier and more reliable than ever before. VuLink is optimized to work with In-Situ brand water quality and water level instruments with “one-touch setup” and can also be interfaced with other devices outputting pulse, MODBUS or SDI-12 data.

VuLink works anywhere. VuLink cellular offers coverage across multiple networks using 4G LTE CAT M1/NB-IoT technology and is also backwards compatible with quad-band 2G coverage. If you don’t have cellular coverage in your area, no-worries. VuLink satellite is the first sub 2 inch iridium satellite device featuring customized data compression and low power usage to extend battery life.
VuLink is designed to be low/no maintenance using three, off-the-shelf alkaline or lithium “D”-cell batteries. User’s can expect more than two-years battery life at 15-minute reporting intervals.
The sub-2” design combined with internal “D” batteries makes for easy installation with little construction or infrastructure modifications at remote monitoring sites. Your complete stream gauging, water quality or ground water measurement site can consist of a single 2” or larger pipe to house the sensor, cable, and VuLink datalogger/transmitter. This means no bulky enclosures, large, rechargeable batteries or solar panels.

Each VuLink transmitter includes a GPS receiver. VuLink location data is continuously transmitted to HydroVu cloud hosted software. HydroVu uses VuLinks spatial data to automatically mark devices on maps, syncing devices and locations.
Environmental professionals interested in accurate water level measurements can benefit from VuLinks internal barometric pressure sensor which provides automatic barometric pressure corrections to non-vented water level sensors. For people using vented/gauge sensors, VuLink provides built-in venting on all models with no desiccant required.
Your data is secure. VuLink, combined with In-Situ’s cloud-hosted HydroVu software, offers SSL encryption of your data, and VuLink can password protect all local connections to prevent backdoor access.
If you need to be made aware of abnormal conditions at your site, VuLink working with HydroVu, has configurable alarms based on instrument readings and device parameters and provides a second recording/reporting schedule when in alarm state.
Frontier Precision is currently accepting orders for VuLink. VuLink is schedule to ship in late-March with shipments prioritized by date of order. VuLink cellular is $795 and VuLink satellite is $1495. HydrVu cellular/satellite remote cloud hosting plans range from no-cost for a single VuLink transmitting once/day to $35/unit/month for full-featured plans including alarms, reports, calculated parameters, API for third-party integration, etc.
For more information on VuLink visit or contact Steve Combe at 801-791-3407 or Martin Soto at 208-324-8006