Tech Talk: High Accuracy Real-time GNSS Anywhere You Work!
November 1, 2013

Do you have high accuracy real-time GNSS/GPS needs but work in areas where existing differential correction sources are unavailable or unreliable?

Frontier Precision offers a solution to run your own mobile base station and broadcast real-time corrections to your Trimble 6000 Series GeoExplorer Handheld.  This is very advantageous when working in remote areas where cellular data coverage (3G or 4G) is unavailable or if you work in an area where a VRS network is unavailable.

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Key Benefits:

  • Provides high accuracy GNSS Real-Time solutions wherever your job takes you
  • Faster setup times than some subscription based real-time solutions
  • Ensures you will not have down-time due to VRS-Network outages
  • No Monthly subscriptions fees
  • Solution does not rely on having cellar data coverage
  • Supports Submeter to Centimeter level accuracy
  • Control of your real-time reference frame

How to setup a 6000 GeoExplorer with an XDL Radio to receive Real Time Corrections: