Tech Talks: Trimble’s Online Data Tools & Services
April 21, 2020

This week we have two Tech Talk videos about the online data tools and services that Trimble provides users. The first is the Job File Conversion Utility. This is a useful tool for users that have mixed fleets of equipment, or work closely with other partners or contractors using different versions of the Trimble Access software. The Job File Conversion Utility allows users to take any .job file, survey style or job template file and convert it to any newer version. Trimble Access is version specific, so typically a file from an older version of the software will not open in a newer version. This utility will do the conversion for you and allow you to work in that same job, but in a newer version of Trimble Access. The utility also supports batch conversion of multiple files, so the process can be done in one larger conversion of all of your files.



The next online utility is the Data Processing Utility. This is a nice tool for users that need to send data to a processing service, such as OPUS or Centerpoint RTX, etc. Users are able to take their native .T02 or .T04 files, as well as RINEX files and very easily upload them to these services. There is no need to convert to Rinex and all of the observation information populates based on the file information. Both of these tools can be used via a web browser by going to the Trimble Access Services website, or they can be accessed via the survey tab in Trimble Business Center.