TerraFlex Helps the City of San Jose Prepare for Super Bowl 50!
February 5, 2016

TerraFlex Helps the City of San Jose Prepare for Super Bowl 50! Kristine White, who writes for Government Technology recently published an article that showcases a prime application of Trimble TerraFlex.  Kristine writes :

“Project leaders… used the TerraFlex field data capture software from Trimble to create data collection forms with fields for features and conditions such as location of trash (sidewalk, median, fence line); type of trash (shopping cart, furniture, clothing); accessibility; and whether it was electronic or hazardous material.”

Click on the image below to see the full article!


The versatility and easy to use interface of the TerraFlex app allowed the users to map, categorize and photograph the major trouble areas within San Jose and help with the efficient clean up effort.

Click Here to learn more about the power of TerraFlex




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