Using a GeoForm for Citizen Engagement
January 13, 2016

Gathering citizen service requests from your website is nothing new. But often there is a disconnect between your website and operational system, requiring someone to review and manually re-enter the data from an email, database, or printout.

What if instead of that the citizen request that was entered was location enabled and immediately in your operations system (such as FieldSeeker® GIS or Sentinel® GIS)? That’s where the GeoForm comes in.

What is a GeoForm?

It’s a configurable ArcGIS app, available with your ArcGIS Online account. You configure what to show and what to capture. After configuring the application, share it publicly and link from your website. It’s that easy!

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Whatever your citizen enters goes directly into your feature service, either in ArcGIS Online or your ArcGIS Server.

But the GeoForm is more than just a data entry form. The “Geo” part means that each record is position-tagged from an address geocode, location sensor, or map click.

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Requests are automatically entered into FieldSeeker, where they can be reviewed and assigned to field staff. Service Requests can also be automatically assigned to a field tech based on operator zone. No more paper map books and looking at zone boundaries on a wall map!

Let us Help!

Let us help you configure your GeoForm for use with your operational system. Contact us for pricing for configuring your GeoForm, or for an ArcGIS Online JumpStart to help you get completely up-to-speed and self-sufficient with ArcGIS Online.

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