Using Laser Scanners for As-Built Construction Monitoring
November 16, 2017

Did you know you can use laser scanners to collect as-built information during building construction phases? This data can give you millimeter level accurate information about building abnormalities, percent completion, 3D measurements, and other useful point data remotely. Pairing a laser scanner with a high-definition HDR camera can also provide a colorized point cloud for more intuitive point picking and contextual imagery for your job site. Laser scanning data is useful because it quickly provides a more comprehensive picture of existing building conditions while traditional as-built measurement methods are usually labor intensive and can lead to data gaps. It also gives you the ability to measure anything you can see on demand. Frontier Precision can supplement your workforce by providing on-site laser scanning experts at a single fixed cost. Want more information on how to improve customer as-builts, then contact us today!

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