Paper forms have always been an industry standard when doing routine inspection. They are easy to use, but have their drawbacks when trying to incorporate the collected information into a GIS system. With the recent uptake in mapping apps available on iOS and Android devices, newer and simpler options have emerged. Getting an app that field crew members can access from their personal device is beneficial in getting them to feel comfortable with electronic data collection and is easier to integrate into their existing workflow. Now data collection can be done without having to coordinate specialized equipment between field crew members.
In this tech video, I will demonstrate how to use Survey123 to perform sidewalk inspection. Survey123 for ArcGIS is a form-centric software with the option to collect GPS information, which makes it a great software to convert paper forms to electronic forms. The forms created in Survey123 can be customized to fit you needs. Data driven collection can be done by displaying/hiding attributes and boosting productivity. Calculations can be used to automatically populate fields to speed up collection time.
I will incorporate the ikeGPS Spike with Survey123 to take measurements. The Spike is a laser module that can be mounted to an Android or iOS phone or tablet and connects via Bluetooth. The Survey123 integration is still in beta and only avaliable with iOS, but it can currently measure areas, lines, and distances.
If you are interested in learning more about Survey123 and Spike, please check out our upcoming trainings in Arvada, CO on February 27th and 28th and Portland, OR on March 15th and 16th.
While gathering information about field assets is a large part of GIS, analyzing this information to make decisions for the benefit of the organization is another. The Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS Online is a simple and customizable way to view your data in real-time and extract information on the fly. You can choose from a variety of charts, gauges, and maps to evaluate the status of assets and services. It can be beneficial to view the work needed and strategize the best way to deploy field crews for the highest productivity. Monitoring of assets that need to be repaired or replaced can assist in forecasting budgets and inventory needs.
Once your dashboard is configured, you can keep it to yourself or share it across your organization with coworkers that also have an ArcGIS Online account. If you find you don’t like the layout, just drag and drop to a new location or change out your widgets.
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