Understanding the TBC Computation Engine
Online Live Workshop

Thursday | June 20, 2024 | 2 PM – 3 PM MT
Cost $50 per person

This course aims to equip surveyors with a thorough understanding of the computation engine in Trimble Business Center (TBC). It will cover the integration of various data types and the application of different computational rules.


1. Introduction to the Computation Engine
– Overview of TBC’s computation engine
– Importance in survey data processing

2. Understanding Computation Rules
– Position quality

– Coordinate ranking
– Measurement method ranking

3. Data Integration and Rule Application
– Handling multiple data types (coordinates, measurement methods, etc.)
– Using rules to determine point positions

4. Practical Demonstrations
– Step-by-step demonstrations of data integration
– Real-world scenarios & problem-solving

Learning Outcomes:

By the end of this course, participants will be able to:
– Understand the role and function of the TBC computation engine.
– Integrate various data types and apply computation rules effectively.
– Prioritize data quality and measurement methods for accurate point positioning.
– Apply key computation rules in TBC to enhance survey accuracy.

For more information:
Troy Hernandez | AGE Technical Team Manager (Survey/Buildings)
Office: 720-214-3500 | Cell: 303-818-2477
For PDF Copy, Click Here.


To Register, Click Here

Thursday, June 20, 2024, at 1:00pm PT, 2:00pm MT, 3:00pm CT, and 4:00pm ET


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